Bästa filmcitaten, som det känns just nu
1. - Everybody's different, - I'm not (Life of Brian)
2. - I can't carry it for you Mr Frodo, but I can carry you (Sagan om konungens återkomst)
3. - Han fattas mig! (Ronja Rövardotter)
4. - On the eighth day he created George (den åttonde dagen)
5. - Can I call you sometime? Is your number still 911? (Ace Ventura - pet detective)
6. - Var skar han sig? (Lejonkungen)
7. - Hallå, hallå! (Tillsammans)
8. - Kan det her vare en ven jag icke har fått genem Oslo kommune? (Elling)
9. - ...but make sure he is a muslim and that you raise him like one (Gandhi)
10. - Aids, aids, aids, aids, aids, aids, aids. aids..... aids (Team America)
2. - I can't carry it for you Mr Frodo, but I can carry you (Sagan om konungens återkomst)
3. - Han fattas mig! (Ronja Rövardotter)
4. - On the eighth day he created George (den åttonde dagen)
5. - Can I call you sometime? Is your number still 911? (Ace Ventura - pet detective)
6. - Var skar han sig? (Lejonkungen)
7. - Hallå, hallå! (Tillsammans)
8. - Kan det her vare en ven jag icke har fått genem Oslo kommune? (Elling)
9. - ...but make sure he is a muslim and that you raise him like one (Gandhi)
10. - Aids, aids, aids, aids, aids, aids, aids. aids..... aids (Team America)